How Rising Early Can Help You

Ronak Bhavsar
3 min readFeb 2, 2020

Let the morning stars inspire you, develop a new habit and change your perspective.

In the crisp cold morning before dawn, lying on my yoga mat, as I look up at the dark sky, twinkling stars look divine. It appears as if through their soft twinkling, they are murmuring among themselves, perhaps chanting.

Have you ever seen such a magnificent sight?

An hour before dawn, while most of the population is still sleeping, is your hour. Taking deep breaths, filling your lungs with fresh early morning air while staring at the stars seems like the best meditation, and the biggest stress-buster — in my opinion. It sets off a refreshing tone for the day ahead and charges your brain with positive energy.

There are countless benefits of waking up early and stealing time for yourself. One of my favorite authors — Robin Sharma, talks about the benefits of waking up at 5.00 AM and utilizing one hour for yourself, in his book, The 5 AM club.

I agree that it isn’t so easy to wake up so early, but then again, life isn’t that easy. Everything that you do and everything that you see is a matter of perspective. And if you still think it’s hard, then remember this.

All change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and so gorgeous at the end.” — Robin Sharma.

I firmly believe that life is short and long; we should do things that matter. If we can’t find time for ourselves if we don’t matter to ourselves, then what’s the point of rushing through life!

When you give yourself that one-hour first thing in the morning, you prioritize yourself. You tell yourself that you matter. In today’s stress-filled lifestyle, mental health is as important as your physical health. And if you utilize that hour correctly, you add to your overall health. For your brain to function, you need that alone time, quiet time, breathing room, whatever you call it — but the point is that you do need it.

I think the Morning Stars have the beauty and solace as well as patience and grace. Wake up early and breathe in some of that while you meditate. So, when the sun rises, and you step into your day, you would already have secured a piece of solace. And if the day gets tougher, all you have to do is close your eyes and remember the time you spent seeing those morning stars. That memory would bring you peace.

So, amigo, if you have never laid down beneath an open sky to see the fascinating primordial creation, it’s time you try it soon. Tomorrow, maybe! Because I am sure, the stars have stories to tell. For centuries, they have been sitting up there in their quiet contemplation, witnessing myriads of told and untold stories. Each time you look at them, you would find a story — may be a story of a lifetime you have already lived, a story that you are living, or perhaps a tale you will live.

You never know what you will find until you try!

